T & Y Industrial Co. Ltd. 於二OOO年在香港成立, 是台灣太平洋電線與電纜、順輝電業製品及 MEGALINK 電腦線的總代理. 國內東莞現有員工300餘人, 主要生產和銷售各種UL及CSA PVC電線與通信線纜. AC、DC、USB、AV系列成品插頭. 各種矽橡膠、鐵氟龍、玻璃纖維高溫線與套管. 還生產各種波紋管、恒溫器、束線帶、電線端子、接線端子及電線組合. 並接受OEM訂單. 全部產品均符合SONY SS-00259第五版及歐盟RoHS(有害物質群)、PAHS(致癌物質群)環保要求。本公司堅持新品開發,質量第一,客户至上的方針及理念.所有代理的產品取得了美國UL及加拿大CSA認證,並獲得ISO9001:2000品質管制體系證書.
T & Y Industrial Company Limited is a well established company in Hong Kong in year 2000. We are the Agent of Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Company Ltd, Taiwan; Shun Hui Electrical Co. Ltd. and MEGALINK Brand in Hong Kong. In Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, we have existing staff more than 300 workers. Mainly produce all kinds of UL and CSA PVC wire; AC, DC, USB, AV plugs; flexible core silicone, insulated cable fiber glass braid and extruded Teflon tubes. Also produce cable ties, closed-end wire connectors, core bushing. OEM orders are welcome.
Our products all complied with SONY SS-00259 Fifth Edition, RoHS, and PAHS and obtained approval covers UL and CSA. Our mission is to constantly focus on new innovative products and ensure best quality to satisfy all customers. With a set of perfect operation system, we have acquired ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification.
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